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triler horror
SAD, 2003
Režija: Rob Schmidt
Scenarij: Alan B. McElroy
Uloge: Desmond Harrington, Eliza Dushku, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Jeremy Sisto, Kevin Zegers, Lindy Booth, Julian Richings, Garry Robbins, Ted Clark
Putujući automobilom na važan razgovor o svom budućem poslu, mladi liječnik Chris Flynn (D. Harrington) na auto-putu kroz zapadnu Virginiju neočekivano naiđe na kilometarsku kolonu uzrokovanu teškom prometnom nesrećom. Dok na radiju sluša vijesti o nedavnom nestanku dvoje studenata koji su planinarili u tom području, Desmond odluči krenuti sporednom cestom koja vodi kroz nenaseljeni šumski predio.
Opušteno vozeći i uživajući u prekrasnoj prirodi, iznenada naleti na vozilo i bicikl petoro studenata koji su kao i on krenuli prečicom. Polako se oporavljajući od snažnog sudara, očito uzrokovanog oštrim šiljcima koje je netko namjerno ostavio na tlu, Desmond upozna atraktivnu Jessie Burlingame (E. Dushku) i njezine prijatelje, simpatičnu Curly (E. Chriqui) i njezinog zaručnika Scotta (J. Sisto), te lakomislenog Evana (K. Zegers) i njegovu djevojku Francine (L. Booth).
Odlučivši s njima pješice nastaviti putovanje, Desmond ubrzo dozna da je Jessie nedavno ostavio dečko, nakon čega je ona s četvoro najboljih prijatelja krenula na put k njemu. Dok Desmond, Jessie, Curly i Scott polako odmiču putem kroz šumu, Evan i Francine odluče neko vrijeme zadržati se i uživati u zajedničkim trenucima i miru idilične prirode.....
Runtime: 1 hr 38 mins
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Chris (Desmond Harrington) has a job interview in Raleigh in three hours and he's making good time in his refurbished classic Mustang convertible ... until an accident miles down the highway turns Chris' three-hour trip into a six-hour wait.
Determined to make his critical appointment, Chris makes a hard U-turn and heads back up the West Virginia highway. Running low on fuel, he finds a dirt road that seemingly intersects the highway after about 20 miles. It's clearly a road less traveled, but to Chris it seems to be a quick fix to get around the highway traffic jam.
Not far away, Jessie (Eliza Dushku) and her friends, Carly (Emmanuelle Chriqui), Carly's boyfriend Scott (Jeremy Sisto), Evan (Kevin Zegers) and his girlfriend Francine (Lindy Booth), stand quiet; stunned as they survey what's left of their road trip after the tires blow out, leaving them stranded deep in the middle of the woods.
Chris heads down the dusty, winding back road, as the green forest canopy overhead casts ominous shadows of twilight on his foreboding path. He loses control around the curve and by the time he can see the disabled Range Rover in front of him it is too late to stop or swerve. The rear wheels lock up and the mustang roars into the back of the SUV, scattering the people surrounding it. ….


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