Kraljevi kvarta
Prljavi policajac pokušava riješiti ubojstvo kolege
• 300MB
• 109min, SAD, 2008
Od redatelja Davida Ayera (Training Day) i scenarista Jamesa Ellroya (L.A. Confidential, Black Dahlia) i Kurta Wimmera, dolazi nam Street Kings, film sa već davno prožvakanom temom, detektiv koji ne igra prema pravilima pokušava riješiti slučaj na svoj način. U glavnim ulogama se nalaze Keanu Reeves i uvijek izvrstni Forest Whitaker i Hugh Laurie.
Street Kings
akcija drama kriminalistički
SAD, 2008
Režija: David Ayer
Scenarij: Kurt Wimmer, James Ellroy
Uloge: Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Hugh Laurie, Chris Evans, Cedric the Entertainer
Distributer: Continental
Genre: Dramas
In STREET KINGS, a police thriller directed by David Ayer, Keanu Reeves plays Tom Ludlow, a veteran LAPD Vice Detective. Ludlow sets out on a quest to discover the killers of his former partner, Detective Terrance Washington (Terry Crews). Academy® Award winner Forest Whitaker plays Captain Wander, Ludlow’s supervisor, whose duties include keeping him within the confines of the law and out of the clutches of Internal Affairs Captain Biggs (Hugh Laurie). Ludlow teams up with a young Robbery Homicide Detective (Chris Evans) to track Washington’s killers through the diverse communities of Los Angeles. Their determination pays off when the two Detectives track down Washington’s murderers and confront them in an attempt to bring them to justice. --© Fox Searchlight
Director: David Ayer

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