Noć u muzeju 2
Larry će dati sve od sebe kako bi spasio stare prijatelje
• 105min, SAD, 2009
• komedija avantura
SAD, 2009
Režija: Shawn Levy
Scenarij: Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant
Uloge: Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Amy Adams, Owen Wilson, Bill Hader, Hank Azaria
Continental Film
Nad Smithsonian muzejom u Washingtonu nadvila se noć. Čuvari su otišli svojim kućama, svjetla su pogašena, školarci su zamotani u svojim krevetićima... ali sprema se nešto veliko, a bivši noćni čuvar Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) naći će se u najvećoj, najmaštovitijoj avanturi svih vremena, u kojoj drevna povijest postaje stvarnost.
U prvom filmu ikad snimljen unutar muzejskog kompleksa Smithsonian, zabava počinje nakon što Larry napusti slabo plaćeni posao muzejskog čuvara, kako bi postao traženi izumitelj Daley Devices reklamnih informacijskih proizvoda. Čini se da mu je konačno krenulo u životu – ali ipak mu nešto nedostaje, nešto što ga vuče da ponovno posjeti svoju staru ljubav, njujorški muzej gdje je svojedobno proživio čarobnu noć svojeg života.
No, tamo ga čeka neugodno iznenađenje. Njegovi omiljeni izlošci, odnosno njegovi najbolji prijatelji, uklonjeni su iz muzeja kao zastarjeli. Zapakirani u kutije, čekaju premještaj u ogromne arhive Smithsonian muzeja. Njihova je sudbina sasvim neizvjesna – sve dok Larry ne primi poziv upomoć od minijaturnog kauboja Jedediahe (Owen Wilson), koji ga obavještava o neminovnoj katastrofi.
Čini se da su ovi svježe pristigli izlošci iz New Yorka probudili stare iskopine, uključujući egipatskog vladara Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria), koji je nakon 3000 godina mirnog sna posebno zle volje. Sada on i trojac najozloglašenijih likova iz povijesti – Ivan Grozni (Christopher Guest), Napoleon Bonaparte (Alain Chabat) i Al Capone (Jon Bernthal) planiraju preuzeti muzej (a zatim i cijeli svijet), nakon što su pokrenuli čitavu vojsku podzemlja.
Runtime: 1 min 45 secs
Genre: Comedies
Shawn Levy (CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN, JUST MARRIED) directs the sequel of his hit film NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM. Night guard Larry Daley (Ben Stiller), now a successful entrepreneur, returns to the Museum of Natural History to visit his friends--the exhibits that come to life at night--only to learn that they are being shipped off into deep storage at the Smithsonian Institution. To make matters worse, the exhibits at the Smithsonian, including the pharaoh Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria), are suddenly coming to life--and they aren’t at all happy about their new visitors. Determined to save his friends, Larry rushes to Washington, D.C., and makes his way into the inner workings of the largest museum complex in the world while Kahmunrah recruits the likes of Ivan the Terrible (Christopher Guest), Napoleon (Alain Chabat), and Al Capone (Jon Bernthal). Larry, meanwhile, finds himself with spunky Amelia Earhart (Amy Adams) as a co-conspirator and love interest, and General Custer (Bill Hader) leading the battle for the Smithsonian. The stakes are higher in this sequel, where even the paintings on the Smithsonian walls come to life at night. Stiller is his capable deadpan self as the now-successful Larry who finds purpose again while helping his friends, and Adams is spot-on as feisty, adventure-seeking Earhart, complete with period lingo. Azaria is a scene-stealer as Kahmunrah, who is menacing despite his lisp. Owen Wilson, Steve Coogan, Robin Williams, and Ricky Gervais also reprise their roles in this sequel, which is the first film to be shot at the Smithsonian
Starring: Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Owen Wilson, Hank Azaria
Director: Shawn Levy

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