Tajna vladina organizacija u lovu je na ljude sa paranormalnim sposobnostima
SAD, 2009
Režija: Paul McGuigan
Scenarij: David Bourla
Uloge: Chris Evans, Camilla Belle, Djimon Hounsou, Dakota Fanning, Neil Jackson
Distributer: Blitz
Nick Gant (Chris Evans) je mladić koji posjeduje začuđujuće telekinetičke moći koje koristi kako bi zaradio za život i izbjegao susret sa tajnom vladinom organizacijom koja ljude poput Nicka pretvara u super vojnike. No, to će se sve promijeniti kada u njegov život upadne mlada Cassie Holmes (Dakota Fanning), djevojka čije su moći proricanja iznimno važne za agenciju.
Runtime: 1 min 41 secs
Genre: Science-Fiction/Fantasy
A riveting action-thriller, Push burrows deep into the deadly world of psychic espionage where artificially enhanced paranormal operatives have the ability to move objects with their minds, see the future, create new realities and kill without ever touching their victims. Against this setting, a young man and a teenage girl take on a clandestine agency in a race against time that will determine the future of civilization.
The Division, a shadowy government agency, is genetically transforming citizens into an army of psychic warriors—and brutally disposing of those unwilling to participate. Nick Gant (Chris Evans), a second-generation telekinetic or “mover,” has been in hiding since the Division murdered his father more than a decade earlier. He has found sanctuary in densely populated Hong Kong—the last safe place on earth for fugitive psychics like him—but only if he can keep his gift a secret.
Director: Paul McGuigan

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