
Utrka do uklete planine
Spas cijelog svijeta leži na vrhu uklete planine
akcija avantura fantastika sf
SAD, 2009
Režija: Andy Fickman
Scenarij: Mark Bomback, Matt Lopez
Uloge: Dwayne Johnson, AnnaSophia Robb, Alexander Ludwig, Carla Gugino, Ciarán Hinds
Distributer: Continental Film
Već godinama postoje priče o tajnom mjestu u srcu pustinje u Nevadi, poznato po neobjašnjivim fenomenima i čudnim ukazanjima. Zovu ga Ukleta planina. Ova zabavna avantura prepuna nevjerovatnih specijalnih efekata nastala je prema istoimenoj hit knjizi američkog pisca, Alexandera Keya.
Život taksiste Jacka Brunoa (Dwayne Johnson) se pretvara u potpuni haos kad dvoje tinejdžera sa paranormalnim sposobnostima ulete u njegov automobil. Kada njih troje otkriju da jedina šansa da spase svijet leži u otkrivanju tajne Uklete planine, počinje utrka jer ih na njihovom putu nastoje spriječiti vlada, gangsteri i na kraju vanzemaljci.
Former professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson (aka "The Rock") makes family-friendly fare with director Andy Fickman’s (THE GAME PLAN) sci-fi adventure, RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN. Johnson plays Jack Bruno, a surly former felon who is trying to stay out of trouble by driving a cab in Las Vegas and who embarks upon the adventure of a lifetime when two teens appear in his taxi and need a ride to (seemingly) the middle of nowhere. He quickly realizes that the mysterious siblings, Sara (AnnaSophia Robb) and Seth (Alexander Ludwig), are far from average--especially when they are pursued by a villain wearing a high-tech suit of armor. With the help of Dr. Alex Friedman (Carla Gugino), the trio travels to Witch Mountain, a secret government outpost in the Nevada desert, with the hopes of evading their pursuers and sending Sara and Seth home--and saving Earth in the process…


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