Džek (Andrew Garfield) je 24-godišnji momak koji je pušten iz zatvora u kome je proveo mnogo godina pošto je kao dečak sa drugom ubio dete. Njegov mentor i zaštitnik Teri (Peter Mullan) pokušaće da mu pomogne da se pod novim identitetom, u novom gradu uklopi u realan život. Ali, Džeka će neprestano pratiti senke iz prošlosti. Dok pokušava da sazna što više činjenica koje su dovele do zločina koji je uništio mnogo života, napetost i intriga će rasti, a taboidi i Terijev pravi sin neće dozvoliti da se prašina slegne.
Runtime: 1 hr 40 mins
Genre: Dramas
Bright futures are undercut by dark pasts in BOY A, a quiet, ruminative tale about a violent act committed by a man in his tormented youth, and his haunting inability to find a way to have a peaceful adulthood years later. Fresh out of a 14-year prison sentence, 24-year-old Jack (Andrew Garfield) arrives in Manchester looking for a new start. He has a new name, a new job, and a carefully sealed criminal record, but an entire boyhood spent behind bars has left him permanently looking over his shoulder. Guided by his fatherly caseworker, Terry (Peter Mullan), Jack attempts to forge meaningful ties with a local girl and a chatty co-worker, but what happiness he finds is challenged when his true identity seeps (and then floods) through the cracks of his new façade. Directed with claustrophobic flair by John Crowley (INTERMISSION), BOY A unfolds in tight hallways and on narrow roads; for Jack, even in freedom, every room's a prison. As the story of Jack's new life moves forward, sharply lit flashbacks continually offer new details of his childhood crime. The backward glances work as both a compelling narrative technique and a glimpse into Jack's conscience (and the viewer's); the harsh reminder of his former self seem to play endlessly in his mind, impossible to reconcile with the gentle, introspective adult he longs to become.

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