Još jedna horor parodija - ovoga puta na filmove o čudovištima. Reditelj Bo Zenga (producent "Mrak filma") "Stan Helsing" koji će parodirati šest najpoznatijih filmova o čudovištima svih vremena, koji su zajedno zaradili preko milijardu dolara na bioskopskim blagajnama širom sveta. Radnja filma će se dešavati tokom Noći veštica, kada Sten Helsing, zaposlen u video-klubu, mora da spase grad od šest najstrašnijih monstruma iz sveta kinematografije.Razmišljam malo što su parodirali – Hellraisera (Pinhead sa pikadom po glavi), Elm Street (jebate bolji glas Freddya u parodiji nego u rimejku), Texas Chainsaw, Child’s Play, klasične Universalove horrore itd.
It’s Halloween night, and slacker video clerk Stan Helsing along with his insanely sexy ex-girlfriend, best buddy and an exotic dancer/massage therapist’ (Desi Lydic) detours into a town cursed by the biggest monsters in movie history: Freddy (A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET), Jason (FRIDAY THE 13TH), Pinhead (HELLRAISER), Leatherface (THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE), Chucky (CHILDS PLAY), & Michael Myers (HALLOWEEN). But when Stan discovers that hes a direct descendant of the legendary monster hunter Van Helsing, the four will have to survive a night of hell raisers, hockey masks, psycho dolls, pleather faces, creepy hitchhikers, vampire strippers, killer karaoke, and lots of hot chicks kissing each other. The one and only Leslie Nielsen of AIRPLANE! and THE NAKED GUN co-stars in this hysterical horror spoof written and directed by one of the guys who brought you SCARY MOVIE.

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