Skupina obožavatelja Ratova zvijezda odluči provaliti na ranč Georgea Lucasa
•Dvdrip 90min
komedija avantura
Režija: Kyle Newman
Scenarij: Ernest Cline, Adam F. Goldberg
Uloge: Sam Huntington, Chris Marquette, Kristen Bell.Dan Fogler, Jay Baruchel
Distributer: Discovery
Urnebesna komedija redatelja Kylea Newmana, nastala prema scenariju Ernesta Clinea, nakon čak dvije godine odgađanja konačno stiže na DVD. Film rađen za obožavatelje Star Wars franšize prepun je cameo uloga i sitnih detalja koji će sigurno oduševiti svakog fana.
Četvorica prijatelja putuju diljem Amerike ne bi li na vrijeme ispunili posljednju želju svog umirućeg prijatelja a to je da prije svjetske premijere pogledaju Epizodu 1 Ratova zvijezda - Fantomsku prijetnju i to na ranču Skywalker, redatelja Georga Lucasa. No vremena je sve manje a očekivanja je previše.
Runtime: 90 mins
Genre: Comedies
STAR WARS zealots, rejoice, for thy movie is at hand: an odyssey across America with a van full of hardcore science-fiction-loving geeks that drop STAR WARS quotes at the drop of a vintage collector's-item Darth Vader helmet. Their mission: to infiltrate Skywalker ranch--or die trying--and heist a pre-release print of THE PHANTOM MENACE. With stops along the way for bad internet dates and general misbehavior (as well as some drama concerning one of the fanboys dying of cancer), their mission becomes a whole STAR WARS-style adventure in itself, their van doubling for the Millennium Falcon plunging through the outer space of the Midwest. There's sci-fi-convention-collectible eye candy, surreal car chases, and moments from the STAR WARS films (such as the trash compactor scene) recreated with loving detail. Dan Fogler (BALLS OF FURY) supplies the hairy guy momentum and Kristen Bell (FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL) is surprisingly funny as the requisite way-out-of-their-league hot chick, who just happens to love STAR WARS too (those lucky nerds). The hilarious Seth Rogen shows up in several mangy roles, and there are cameos by Billy Dee Williams (as Judge Reinhold), Carrie Fisher, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Boba Fett, Darth Maul, an actor playing a kung fu version of Aint it Cool's Harry Knowles, and even William Shatner. Kevin Spacey was one of the film's producers.
Director: Kyle Newman

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