Brodolom života' izuzetno je dojmljiva i potresna priča o fizičkom, ali i mentalnom preživljavanju uslijed nezamislivih poteškoća.Redatelj Robert Zemeckis vješto je izbjegao sve zamke monotonije i predvidljivosti filma u kojem većinu posla obavlja tek jedan jedini glumac. Spajajući avanturističke elemente moderne robinzonijade s dramskim razvojem karaktera u prijelomnome životnom razdoblju...
drama avantura
SAD, 2000
Režija: Robert Zemeckis
Scenarij: William Broyles Jr.
Uloge: Tom Hanks, Paul Sanchez, Lari White, Leonid Citer, Viveka Davis
Chuck Noland, an engaged, workaholic Federal Express inspector, travels around the world testing the effectiveness of international shipping offices. His frenetic schedule puts a strain on his relationship with longtime girlfriend Helen. But when a plane crash leaves him stranded and isolated from other human beings on a remote Pacific island for four years, Chuck slowly becomes transformed both mentally and physically as he attempts to survive. This harrowing personal struggle ultimately brings him to a simple Zen-like understanding of what things in this world -- in his world -- are truly important.
Also Known As: Castaway
Genres: Action/Adventure and Drama
Running Time: 2 hrs. 23 min.
Release Date: December 22, 2000 Nationwide
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense action sequences and some disturbing images.
Distributors: 20th Century Fox Distribution
Production Co.: ImageMovers, Playtone
Studios: Fox 2000, DreamWorks


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