Nastavak kultnog niskobudžetnog i jednog od najkultnijih indie filmova američkih mavericka 90.-ih povratak je u formu Kevina Smitha.
Dantea i Randalla nalazite u New Jerseju u restauraciji brze prehrane. Zaručen za zgodnu i dobrostojeću Emmu, Dante bi trebao započeti novi život na Floridi, no ne može se oduprijeti izazovima svog "ništavnog" kvartovskog života koji smo svi bar jednom u životu glorificirali bez ikakva racionalna opravdanja.
Još je otegotna okolnost da nemalo pada na svoju šeficu, tamnoputu Becky u tumačenju slatke Rosario Dawson.
E, sad ... slijede dialozi i zabava na njihov način, onako kako smo samo mogli priželjkivati nakon originala. Da će Kevin kad tad posegnuti za svojim prvim likovima. Nakon 1994. prošlo je deset godina. Bar djelomično je odrastanje moralo pogoditi oba zgubidana. Snaga dijaloga nije pogubljena, likove smo voljeli tada i sada, Smithovi raniji filmovi koji nisu držali kvalitetu prvog i drugog manje se vide.
Svi koji ste se zaželjeli duhovitog, inteligentnog, oštrog, dirljivog, niskoproračunskog filma, recite welcome back Kevin Smith.
Ten years ago best friends Dante Hicks and Randal Graves were New Jersey mini-mall clerks still slacking off together in their early 20s. Now working in the fast-food universe, Dante and Randal have managed to maintain, and even hone, their in-your-face attitudes, agile skill with vulgarities and unbridled love of screwing the customers. But they're also faced with such shocking prospects as marriage, leaving Jersey and finding real careers. Dante and Randal invade the world of Mooby's fast food restaurant, where the slogan is "I'm Eating It." Behind the counter, where the only other employees are an uber-nerd and an entirely too sexy manager, Dante and Randal are free to offend anybody and everybody who so much as orders fries in their inimitably irreverent way. But, even as riotous debates rage between them over such burning matters as George Lucas v. Peter Jackson v. Jesus, change is on the horizon. When Dante announces that he's going to leave Jersey forever and marry Emma Bunting, Randal plots a going-away party so shocking it will draw the police, the fire department and potential protests from PETA, while altering their lives forever.
Also Known As: Clerks 2
Clerks II
The Passion of the Clerks
Genres: Comedy and Sequel
Running Time: 98 min.
Release Date: July 21st, 2006 (wide); November 28th, 2006 (DVD release)
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive sexual and crude content including abberant sexuality, strong language and some drug material.
Distributors: MGM Distribution Company, The Weinstein Company
Production Co.: View Askew Productions
Studios: The Weinstein Company


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