Slagalica strave 3
Kako to i biva s nastavcima, priča je zamršenija, ubojstva krvavija.
Amanda (Shawnee Smith), jedina koja je preživjela oba filma, sada postaje Jigsawova naučnica i nastavlja njegovu bolesnu igru. Priča se vrti oko dvoje likova – Lynn, doktorice u nesretnome braku i Jeffa, čovjeka koji se ne može suočiti sa smrću svoga sina kojega je zgazio pijani vozač.
Doktorica je zaglavljena u već viđenu masku za glavu koja je ovoga puta povezana sa srcem umirućeg Jigsawa. Ukoliko on umre, maska će se zaklopiti, a doktoričin zadatak je održavati ga na životu ukoliko želi preživjeti. U međuvremenu, Jeff se mora suočiti sa svim ljudima koji imaju veze s nepravedno laganom kaznom koju je dobio pijani vozač-ubojica, i na njemu je da odluči hoće li se osvetiti ili će oprostiti.
Film je imao zanimlivu (bizarnu?) reklamnu kampanju. Naime, Tobin Bell (Jigsaw) donirao je nešto svoje krvi koja se zatim miješala sa crvenom bojom, da bi se napravilo tisuću postera koji su se zatim prodavali po 20 dolara svaki. Prvi je print potpisala cijela ekipa ispred i iza kamere i kasnije je prodan na aukciji. Akcija je organizirana u suradnji s Američkim Crvenim križem i svi su novci otišli u dobrotvorne svrhe.
Žanr:horor, triler
Uloge:Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith, Angus MacFadyen, Bahar Soomekh, Dina Meyer
Režija:Darren Lynn Bousman
Scenarij:Leigh Whannell
Producent/i:Leigh Whannell, James Wan, Stacey Testro
Godina izdanja:2006.
Izdavač/Distributer:Lionsgate / Discovery film i video
Runtime: 2 hrs 10 mins
Genre: Horror/Suspense
In 2004, a low-budget horror film about a man who put people with moral failings into grisly, murderous situations became a huge hit. In 2005, the sequel scored again, upping the body count and the terror. In 2006, the franchise continued, with plenty of gore as well as an emotional story line that delved into the psychological makeup of the main characters. As SAW II concluded, Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) was dying. But that doesn't mean his penchant for playing games of torture and violence is ending. In SAW III, the murders start occurring again, and Kerry (Dina Meyer) is back on the case, although she thinks this time it might be the work of a copycat. She's only partly right: Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the only victim to have survived both movies, has joined Jigsaw as his apprentice, leading the way through a terrifying game involving Lynn (Bahar Soomekh), a doctor in an unhappy marriage, and Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), a distraught man who is having trouble getting over the loss of his son (Stefan Georgiou) at the hands of a drunk driver. Amanda has captured Lynn and placed her in a neck brace that is linked to Jigsaw's heart monitor; she must keep Jigsaw alive or else the brace will explode. Meanwhile, Jeff is sent on a dangerous journey on which he faces all the people involved in the light penalty his boy's killer received--and it is up to him whether he will seek vengeance or offer forgiveness. Helmed by SAW II director Darren Lynn Bousman and written by original SAW screenwriter and star Leigh Whannell (with a story by Whannell and SAW director James Wan), SAW III is an intricately designed, gruesome thriller with a hard-driving soundtrack featuring songs by Slayer, Helmet, and All that Remains.
Starring: Tobin Bell, Angus MacFadyen, Dina Meyer, Shawnee Smith, Alan Van Sprang, Costas Mandylor, Barry Flatman, Lyriq Bent, Bahar Soomekh, Franky G, Donnie Wahlberg
Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
Screenwriter: Leigh Whannell
Story: James Wan
Producer: Gregg Hoffman, Oren Koules, Mark Burg
Composer: Charlie Clouser
Studio: Lions Gate Films

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