
Izgubljena duša
Mlada djevojka susreće se sa duhom davno preminulog djeteta
Redatelj i scenarist David Goyer vodi vas u zastrašujući život nemrtvih. Mlada djevojka Casey Beldon (Odette Yustman) biva uvučena u svijet noćnih mora u kojem ju du¬hovi demona love i prijete svima koje ona voli...
SAD, 2009
Režija: David S. Goyer
Scenarij: David S. Goyer
Uloge: Odette Yustman, Gary Oldman, Meagan Good, Cam Gigandet, Idris Elba
Distributer: Continental Film
Casey Beldon postaje sve zabrinutija zbog neobičnih događaja koji je prate u zadnje vrijeme. Zastrašujuće noćne more, tajanstveni pas koji se pojavljuje u neočekivanim trenucima i dijete čije oči vide ravno u njenu dušu prisile je da pomoć potraži kod rabina Sendaka (Gary Oldman).
Sometimes the soul of a dead person has been so tainted with evil that it is denied entrance to heaven. It must endlessly wander the borderlands between worlds, desperately searching for a new body to inhabit.
And sometimes it actually succeeds.
Writer/director David Goyer (Blade: Trinity, The Invisible, Batman Begins) gives a terrifying glimpse into the life of the undead in The Unborn, a supernatural thriller that follows a young woman pulled into a world of nightmares when a demonic spirit haunts her and threatens everyone she loves.
Casey Beldon (Odette Yustman) hated her mother for leaving her as a child. But when inexplicable things start to happen, Casey begins to understand why she left. Plagued by merciless dreams and a tortured ghost that haunts her waking hours, she must turn to the only spiritual advisor, Sendak (Gary Oldman), who can make it stop.
With Sendak's help, Casey uncovers the source of a family curse dating back to Nazi Germany--a creature with the ability to inhabit anyone or anything that is getting stronger with each possession. With the curse unleashed, her only chance at survival is to shut a doorway from beyond our world that has been pried open by someone who was never born


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