Rock’n’Roll brod
Ilegalna radio postaja osvoji srca Britanaca
Glazbena revolucija je počela! Rock’n’Roll brod je komedija o mladim ljudima 60-tih i rock glazbi tog vremena. Grupa DJ-a zarobi Britaniju puštajući glazbu koja je definirala cijelu generaciju, pružajući otpor vladi koja je bezgranično preferirala jazz.
komedija drama glazba romantika
Velika Britanija, Njemačka, 2009
Režija: Richard Curtis
Scenarij: Richard Curtis
Uloge: Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Rhys Ifans, Nick Frost, Kenneth Branagh
Distributer: Continental Film
Carl (Tom Sturridge) je upravo izbačen iz škole i završava na brodu svoga djeda, Quentina (Bill Nighy). Quentin je šef Radio Rocka, piratske radio postaje koja 24 sata pušta najveće rock hitove - čime remeti vladine planove. Quentinovu buntovnu skupinu čini niz bizarnih likova među kojima se najviše ističe "The Count" (Phillip Seymour Hoffman), glasni američki kralj radiovalova.
"The Boat That Rocked" is an ensemble comedy in which the romance takes place between the young people of the '60s and pop music. It's about a band of rogue DJs that captivated Britain, playing the music that defined a generation and standing up to a government that, incomprehensibly, preferred jazz. The Count, a big, brash, American god of the airwaves; Quentin, the boss of Radio Rock -- a pirate radio station in the middle of the North Sea that's populated by an eclectic crew of rock and roll DJs; Gavin, the greatest DJ in Britain who has just returned from his drug tour of America to reclaim his rightful position; Dave, an ironic, intelligent and cruelly funny co-broadcaster; and a fearsome British government official out for blood against the drug takers and lawbreakers of a once-great nation.


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