Prelepa Džesika Bil izuzetno ozbiljno shvata svoje glumačke angažmane, pa je tako za ulogu striptizete u filmu ’Powder Blue’ naporno vežbala spuštajući se naglavačke niz šipku.
Ovaj dugoočekivani film nimalo ne štedi lepu glumicu, koja igra striptizetu kojoj treba novac da bi platila lečenje teško bolesnog sina. Obožavaoci su već odabrali svoju omiljenu scenu, naravno u pitanju je striptiz, u kojoj Džesika u toplesu uzima sveće i kaplje vrelim voskom po grudima.
Film je navodno dosta sirov, a ovo je njena najsmelija uloga do sada.
Angelenos meet on Christmas Eve through chance, tragedy and divine intervention. Velvet Larry is the sleazy owner of the strip club where Rose Johnny dances. Qwerty Doolittle is a mortician who falls in love with her. Randall is the head of a corporate crime organization who tries to convince a former employee not to seek vengeance on his former co-workers. Charlie is a suicidal ex-priest. Lexus is a transsexual prostitute who shares an unexpected bond with the priest.


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