U okupiranom Avganistanu nedugo posle 11. septembra, jedinica američkih vojnika je otposlata da blokira i kontroliše strateški put koji prolazi pored ruinirane i napuštene kamene kuće. U blizini kuće, u brdima, vojnici pronadju drevnu kamenu statuu skrivenu duboko u uvali. Jedan od njih iskoristi relikviju kao metu za vežbanje i uništi je neznajući da je time oslobodio osvetoljubivo natprirodno biće, Djinna, koji će započeti užasavajući rat protiv njih.
From the creators of the horror cult hit, Dead Birds, comes a psychological horror film about a unit of U.S. soldiers in present-day Afghanistan who unknowingly release a vengeful supernatural force that wages upon them a deadly war. The Afghani people believed there were beings on Earth far older than humans--the Djinn. The Djinn, according to legend, were made of smokeless fire and could take on any form they wished but could be imprisoned in certain vessels such as a lamp as told in teh tale of Alladin. According to legend the Djinn hated humans and most fled the Earth as humans grew to dominate it. But a few remained imprisoned in vessels designed to contain them waiting to be freed. The soldiers on routine patrol for insurgents came upon an ancient statue deep in the desert. They have no idea what they have found and one of them shoots the statue with his M-16 tearing it apart. Unfortunately for his unit the statue seems to have been a vessel imprisoning a Djinn who decides to take vengence.


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