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Pet prijatelja se odluče na vikend plovidbu do obližnjeg otočja, no putem dožive brodolom i završe na otočiću koji nije obilježen niti na jednoj pomorskoj karti. No, to što su zaglavili na naizgled nenaseljenom otoku je njihova najmanja briga, jer uskoro će se morati brinuti o onome što im je mnogo važnije..a to su njihovi goli životi. Svih petero prijatelja postaju lovina drevnoj humanoidnoj rasi koja ima izrazitu sklonost za mesom, a lov je ono u čemu su oni najbolji...
A group of twenty-something friends are stranded on an uncharted island after their boat crashes. They quickly become aware they are not alone, as they find themselves being killed off bya group of ancient humanoid creatures.
Everyone is killed or eaten by the creatures apart from the girl who realises that the creatures react only on sound and movement and that they cannot see. Hmm sounds very much like Kevin Bacon's pretty cool movie Tremors from way back when - Kevin's attempt blows TheTribe clean out of the water in every way possible.

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