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Pedro Almodovar i Penelope Cruz opet surađuju, i to u filmu "Broken Embraces" koji već nailazi na pohvale kritičara. Dok struku, kao i obično, privlači "almodovarskim forama" koje pale već dvadeset godina, obični puk u kina mami puno starijom marketinškom forom - golotinjom. Penelope je, naime, još jednom za svog dragog prijatelja Almodovara, ali i milijune gledatelja, pokazala sise. Sve za umjetnost i prijateljstvo!
Žanr: Drama
Scenario: Pedro Almodóvar (Hable con ella / Talk to Her, 2002.)
Režija: Pedro Almodóvar (Hable con ella / Talk to Her, 2002.)
Glavne uloge: Penelope Cruz, Lluis Homar, Blanca Portilla, Rossy de Palma, Kiti Manver, Chus Lampreave, Lola Duenas, Angela Molina
Godina proizvodnje: 2009
Zemlja porekla: Španija
Trajanje: 127 min
Čovek piše, živi i voli u tami. Pre četrnaest godina, on je preživeo veliku saobraćajnu nesreću u kojoj je izgubio ne samo svoj vid, već i ljubav svog života, Lenu (Penélope Cruz). Ovaj čovek (Lluís Homar) koristi dva imena: jedno je Harry Caine, pseudonim pod kojim piše svoja književna dela, a drugo je Mateo Blanco, njegovo pravo ime, pod kojim živi i potpisuje filmove koje režira. Posle nesreće, Mateo Blanco se krije iza svog pseudonima, Harryja Cainea. Ako ne može da režira filmove, preživeće samo uz ideju da je Mateo Blanco poginuo zajedno sa njegovom voljenom Lenom.
U sadašnjosti, Harry Caine živi zahvaljujući scenarijima koje piše i podršci svog produkcijskog menadžera Judit Garcije (Blanca Portillo), i Diega (Tamar Novas), svog sina i desne ruke. Otkako je odlučio da će da živi i priča priče, Harry je aktivan i privlačan slep čovek koji je razvio sva ostala čula kako bi uživao u životu. Jedne večeri, Diego preživljava nesreću i Harry odlučuje da će da se brine o njemu. Tokom sledeće noći, Diego ga pita o vremenu kada je bio Mateo Blanco i Harry ne može da ga odbije, tako da počinje da mu priča šta se dešavalo pre četrnaest godina. Priča o Mateu, Leni, Judit i Ernestu Martelu (José Luis Gómez) je priča u kojoj dominiraju fatalnost, ljubomora, iskorištavanje moći, prevara i osećaj krivice.
A man writes, lives and loves in darkness. Fourteen years before, he was in a brutal car rash on the island of Lanzarote. In the accident, he not only lost his sight, he also lost , thef his life.
Lena love o This man uses two names: Harry Caine, a playful pseudonym with which he signs his literary works, stories and scripts, and Mateo Blanco, his real name, with which he lives and signs the film he directs. After the accident, Mateo Blanco reduces himself to his seudonym, Harry Caine. If he can’t direct films he can only survive with the idea that Mateo Blanco died on Lanzarote with his beloved Lena. In the present day, Harry Caine lives thanks to the scripts he writes and to the help he gets rom his faithful former production manager, Judit García, and from Diego, her son, his secretary, typist and guide. Since he decided to live and tell stories, Harry is an active, attractive blind man who has developed all his other senses in order to enjoy life, on a basis of irony and self‐induced amnesia. He has erased from his biography any trace of his first identity, Mateo Blanco. One night Diego has an accident and Harry takes care of him (his mother, Judit, is out of Madrid and they decide not to tell her anything so as not to alarm her). During the first nights of his convalescence, Diego asks him about the time when he answered to the name of Mateo Blanco, after a moment of astonishment Harry can’t refuse and he tells Diego hat happened fourteen years before with the idea of entertaining him, just as a father tells his little child a story so that he’ll fall asleep. The story of Mateo, Lena…

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