Istinita priča redatelja Joe Wrighta o Nathaniel Aversu. Nathaniel Avers je glazbenik koji oboli od shizofrenije i postaje beskućnik. Dok sanja o nastupu u koncertnoj dvorani Walt Disney, otkriva ga novinar Steve Lopez koji odlučuje napisati članak o njemu.
Schizophrenic Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx), a homeless musician of Los Angeles's Skid Row dreams of playing at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. By chance he meets newspaper journalist Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) who tries to help this man get back on his feet to make his dreams come true. Based on the book by the real Lopez, which was an account of his relationship with the real Ayers. Dr. Oliver Sacks, a famed neurologist, authenticates the Lopez account in his most recent book, "Musicophilia."…

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