Dva iskusna lopova prisiljena su raditi za ruskog mafijaša
SAD, 2009
Režija: Mimi Leder
Scenarij: Ted Humphrey
Uloge: Morgan Freeman, Antonio Banderas, Radha Mitchell, Robert Forster, Rade Serbedzija
Distributer: Blitz
Američka redateljica, Mimi Leder, donosi nam ovaj napeti krimić o vještom lopovu koji udružuje snage s mladim početnikom. U glavnim ulogama pojavljuju se Morgan Freeman i Antonio Banderas.
Keith Ripley (Morgan Freeman) je proračunati profesionalni lopov koji živi po određenom kodu, za razliku od njegovog bivšeg partnera koji je poginuo jer se koda nije pridržavao. Zamijetivši mladog lopova Gabriela (Antonio Banderas), Keith shvati da se on odlično snalazi po ulicama New Yorka i da mu je upravo on potreban za veliku pljačku. Plan je ukrasti dobro skivene i zaključane slike, nakit i jedina 2 preostala Fabergeova jaja kako bi Keith moga vratiti dug neoprostivom Nickyju Petrovitchu (Rade Šerbedžija).
Priča se zakomplicira kada se Gabriel zaljubi u prekrasnu i inteligentnu Alex Kochenko (Radha Mitchell).
In New York, the experienced art thief, Keith Ripley, invites the bold thief from Miami, Gabriel Martin, to team up with him. He plans the heist of two valuable mysterious antique Faberge eggs, located in a safe, of the well protected Russian jewelry Romanov. Each egg is worth twenty million dollars on the black market, and Ripley needs his cut to free himself from his debt to a powerful mobster, known as Nicky. The reluctant Gabriel agrees to participate, after having a one night stand with Ripley's goddaughter Alexandra Karolin. Meanwhile, the persistent Lieutenant Weber, who has unsuccessfully tried to put Ripley in jail for twenty years, figures out how to anticipate the movements of the criminal in order to catch him

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