Da bi pridobio ljubav svog života Elliot Richards (B. Fraser) sklopi dogovor sa vragom
Film je nominiran za nagrade MTV Movie i Hollywood Make Up Artist & Hair Stylist Guild.
komedija romantika fantastika
SAD, 2000
Režija: Harold Ramis
Scenarij: Peter Cook
Uloge: Elizabeth Hurley, Brendan Fraser, Frances O Connor, Miriam Shor, Orlando Jones, Toby Huss
Elliot Richards (Brendan Fraser) je tehnički savjetnik šmokljan, koji je zaljubljen u Alison Gardner (Frances O Connor) već gotovo četiri godine. Ona ga odbije, a on i dalje svim srcem želi biti s njom.
Tad se pojavi prekrasna mlada žena (Elizabeth Hurley), koja se predstavi kao vrag, Lucifer, princeza tame i ponudi Elliotu pakt: ona će njemu ispuniti sedam želja, a on će njoj prodati dušu.
Elliot je brzo uvjeren i pristane. No, svaka želja koju mu ispuni ima mnogo nedostataka i uskoro Elliot želi poništiti dogovor.
BEDAZZLED is a fiery romantic comedy starring Brendan Fraser as Elliot Richards, a bored and boring computer programmer who is in love with Alison Gardner (Frances O'Connor), a lovely coworker who doesn't even know he exists. In a desperate attempt to gain Alison's affections, Brendan naively strikes up a deal with the devil (Elizabeth Hurley), a seductive and wickedly naughty woman who promises Elliot seven wishes in exchange for his soul. The devil does her best to torture Elliot's poor soul, giving him all seven wishes, each of which in some way goes astray. Elliot is in for the ride of his life as the saucy devil transforms him into a Colombian drug lord, a supersensitive pushover, and an NBA star with more brawn than brains as his wishes become manipulated into one outrageous disaster after another. Fraser is an acting tour de force, deftly playing a wide variety of characters using his comic genius and flair for the absurd, while Hurley is at her stylish and seductive best as the haute couture devilish prankster. Together they ignite the screen with wit, charm, and palpable chemistry. Director Harold Ramis (CADDYSHACK, GROUNDHOG DAY) wrote and directed this hilarious remake of the 1967 movie of the same name directed by Stanley Donen that starred Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Raquel Welch, and Eleanor Bron.


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