Moja grčka avantura
Glumica i scenaristica iznimno popularnog hita „Moje grčko vjenčanje“ za kojeg je bila nominirana za Oscara 2003. godine, Nia Vardalos, glumi turističku voditeljicu Georgiju u ovoj romantičnoj komediji smještenoj u predivnu Grčku.
My Life in Ruins
komedija romantika
SAD, 2009
Režija: Donald Petrie
Scenarij: Mike Reiss
Uloge: Nia Vardalos, Richard Dreyfuss, Alexis Georgoulis, Alistair McGowan, Harland Williams
Distributer: Blitz
Vodeći novu skupinu turista i pokazujući im sve ljepote i znamenitosti Grčke, Georgia će pokušati pronaći sebe i srediti svoj burni život, ali to neće biti nimalo jednostavno… Pogotovo ne nakon što upozna Poupija (Alexis Georgoulis), vozača autobusa na putovanju.
From Nia Vardalos, writer and star of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, comes the uplifting comedy My Life in Ruins. Georgia (Nia Vardalos) has lost her kefi (Greek for “mojo”). Discouraged by her lack of direction in life, she works as a travel guide, leading a rag-tag group of tourists as she tries to show them the beauty of her native Greece while waiting to land her dream job. Opening their eyes to an exotic foreign land, she too begins to see things in new ways—finding her kefi and possibly love in the process.
My Life in Ruins (2009)
aka, 31 December, 2009HURT (2009)


A grieving family contends with a growing sense of dread after moving to the desert and experiencing a series of tragic, inexplicable accidents. When Robert Coltrane died suddenly, the life his family once knew was forever changed. In an effort to regain some sense of normalcy, his widow, Helen (Melora Walters), takes their teenage children, Conrad (Jackson Rathbone) and Lenore (Johanna E. Braddy), to live with their reclusive uncle, Darryl (William Mapother), in Arizona. But life around Darryl's house is far from normal--not only is the seldom-seen uncle something of a gun fanatic, but just as the family is settling in they receive a most unusual visitor. It seems that before Robert died, he agreed to take in Sarah (Sofia Vassilieva), a lovely yet troubled young girl from a particularly unstable background. Shortly after Sarah's arrival, the Coltranes are plagued by a series of macabre occurrences that seem to have no reasonable explanation.

Slaughter (2009)


The story of SLAUGHTER gets a lot creepier when you take into account that the plot is based on a true story. In this indie horror film, a young woman named Faith thinks she has finally found salvation from her abusive partner when she moves to a friend's farmhouse. But soon, men begin appearing--and then disappearing--from the farm's grounds, and it appears that violence has followed Faith to the country.

The Echo (2009)
aka, 28 December, 2009


"The Echo" is a remake of the acclaimed Filipino thriller "Sigaw."
The story centers on a young ex-con (Bradford) who moves into an old apartment building only to learn his neighbor is an abusive police officer who savagely beats his wife and daughter. When the ex-con tries to intervene, he becomes trapped in a curse.

The Soloist (2009)


Istinita priča redatelja Joe Wrighta o Nathaniel Aversu. Nathaniel Avers je glazbenik koji oboli od shizofrenije i postaje beskućnik. Dok sanja o nastupu u koncertnoj dvorani Walt Disney, otkriva ga novinar Steve Lopez koji odlučuje napisati članak o njemu.
Schizophrenic Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx), a homeless musician of Los Angeles's Skid Row dreams of playing at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. By chance he meets newspaper journalist Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) who tries to help this man get back on his feet to make his dreams come true. Based on the book by the real Lopez, which was an account of his relationship with the real Ayers. Dr. Oliver Sacks, a famed neurologist, authenticates the Lopez account in his most recent book, "Musicophilia."…

The Open Road (2009)


The Open Road is a heartwarming comedy about a young man looking to reconnect with his long-lost father and bring him back to the bedside of his ailing mother. In the film, minor leaguer Carlton Garret (Timberlake) takes an unexpected road trip to track down his estranged father, legendary baseball player Kyle Garret (Bridges) when Carlton’s mother (Steenburgen) becomes sick. Knowing his charming yet painfully immature dad’s likelihood to disappoint,Carlton enlists his on-again-off-again girlfriend Lucy (Mara) for emotional support. Once reunited, Carlton struggles to deal with the series of misadventures caused by his father’s antics, including missed flights, car trouble and bathroom brawls. Years of miscommunication, frustration and comically awkward attempts at bonding come to a head as the mismatched trio make their way from Ohio back home to Houston to reunite the family.
Starring: Justin Timberlake, Jeff Bridges, Lyle Lovett, Mary Steenburgen
Director: Michael Meredith

Thick As Thieves (2009)
aka, 27 December, 2009


Dva iskusna lopova prisiljena su raditi za ruskog mafijaša
SAD, 2009
Režija: Mimi Leder
Scenarij: Ted Humphrey
Uloge: Morgan Freeman, Antonio Banderas, Radha Mitchell, Robert Forster, Rade Serbedzija
Distributer: Blitz
Američka redateljica, Mimi Leder, donosi nam ovaj napeti krimić o vještom lopovu koji udružuje snage s mladim početnikom. U glavnim ulogama pojavljuju se Morgan Freeman i Antonio Banderas.
Keith Ripley (Morgan Freeman) je proračunati profesionalni lopov koji živi po određenom kodu, za razliku od njegovog bivšeg partnera koji je poginuo jer se koda nije pridržavao. Zamijetivši mladog lopova Gabriela (Antonio Banderas), Keith shvati da se on odlično snalazi po ulicama New Yorka i da mu je upravo on potreban za veliku pljačku. Plan je ukrasti dobro skivene i zaključane slike, nakit i jedina 2 preostala Fabergeova jaja kako bi Keith moga vratiti dug neoprostivom Nickyju Petrovitchu (Rade Šerbedžija).
Priča se zakomplicira kada se Gabriel zaljubi u prekrasnu i inteligentnu Alex Kochenko (Radha Mitchell).
In New York, the experienced art thief, Keith Ripley, invites the bold thief from Miami, Gabriel Martin, to team up with him. He plans the heist of two valuable mysterious antique Faberge eggs, located in a safe, of the well protected Russian jewelry Romanov. Each egg is worth twenty million dollars on the black market, and Ripley needs his cut to free himself from his debt to a powerful mobster, known as Nicky. The reluctant Gabriel agrees to participate, after having a one night stand with Ripley's goddaughter Alexandra Karolin. Meanwhile, the persistent Lieutenant Weber, who has unsuccessfully tried to put Ripley in jail for twenty years, figures out how to anticipate the movements of the criminal in order to catch him

Diamant 13(2009)


Mat, a veteran cop working the graveyard shift at the homicide bureau, sees his relatively quiet life turn into a nightmare when Franck, an old acquaintance with a shady past, resurfaces with a plan to steal dirty money. Despite his refusal to associate with the seemingly infallible scheme, in which his friend nevertheless meets his maker, Mat finds himself stuck in a corrupt system where the difference between cop and criminal only lies in the risk of getting caught.

The Last Templar(2009)


Posljednji Templar
Mlada arheologinja i agent FBI-a istražuju drevne tajne srednjovjekovnih vitezova Templara
Kada u Metropolitan muzej u New Yorku, na velikom otvaranju vatikanske izložbe, upadnu četvorica konjanika obučeni kao vitezovi Templari i ukradu višestoljetno blago, arheologinja Tess Chaykin (Mira Sorvino) i agent FBI-a Sean Daley (Scott Foley) upustiti će se u razotkrivanje tajni srednjovjekovnih vitezova Templara.
Mira Sorvino stars in this rousing adventure drama as archaeologist Tess Chaykin, a woman who reluctantly joins forces with FBI agent Sean Daley (Scott Foley) when she is called upon for her endless knowledge and keen deciphering skills. The case: track down an organized group of criminals who’ve posed as Templar knights and robbed the Vatican in an attempt to find a mechanical decoder that will supposedly tell them where the Templar treasure is. In their journey, Tess, Sean, and their colleagues stumble across discoveries beyond their wild imaginations--truths behind medieval mysteries that could change religion and faith as the modern world knows them. This exciting miniseries based on a novel by Raymond Khoury also stars Victor Garber, Anthony Lemke, and Omar Sharif

Madea Goes To Jail (2009)
aka, 25 December, 2009


Komedija "Madea Goes to Jail" bila je najgledaniji film u Februaru u američkim kinima. Novi film Tylera Perryja zaradio je u prvoj sedmici prikazivanja 41,1 milion dolara.
Multitalented screenwriter, director, playwright, and actor Tyler Perry delivers yet another comedy feature from his popular MADEA film series. Largely concerned with African American family life, Perry splits his efforts between the outrageous Madea films and other, slightly more serious features such as 2008’s THE FAMILY THAT PREYS. As the name suggests, MADEA GOES TO JAIL, based on the 2006 play of the same title, once again stars Perry himself as Mabel B. Simmons (nicknamed Madea), the feisty, gun-loving grandmother audiences have adored on stage and screen since she first appeared in the 2002 play MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION. When Madea ends up in jail following a series of violent outbursts, she finds herself in equally eccentric company and causes chaos among her fellow inmates. In a fat suit and women’s clothing, Perry keeps things light while exploring signature themes of redemption, such as the young attorney (Derek Luke, NOTORIOUS) who sets out to help a prostitute (Keshia Knight Pulliam, THE COSBY SHOW) who holds a special place in his heart. The New Orleans-born Renaissance man once again proves himself to be comfortable wearing many hats: as star, producer, writer, and director, Perry retains a constant presence but is careful not to outshine his talented co-stars, including Viola Davis (Oscar-nominated for her role in 2008’s DOUBT) as a determined social worker. Rivaling Woody Allen with the speed at which he releases films, Perry manages to pack Christian values, positive messages regarding the power of forgiveness, and plenty of laughs into his quickly produced features. This is all communicated through his signature blend of outrageous comedy and almost soap-operatic drama



Runtime: 84 mins
Genre: Horror/Suspense
: A desperate government official assassinates the mayor of Chicago and extracts a blood sample from the body in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses. With the entire city after him, the murderer is shot down on sight, but not before passing the blood vial off to Nick (Gil Bellows) and Lisa (Maxim Roy), two journalists whose instincts tell them to have the sample tested. The discovery of an alien protein tears open a government conspiracy involving an insect-like species and a potential pandemic unlike any the world has ever seen. Co-starring Isabella Rossellini and Judd Nelson as a helpful stranger who harbors a secret of his own, INFECTED is a terrifying sci-fi creature-feature in the vein of THE THING, THEY LIVE, and INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.

No Country For Old Men (2007)


Nema zemlje za starce
Propala prodaje droge poveže sudbine trojice potpuno različitih stranaca
Film počinje s kadrom opustjelog i nepreglednog krajolika u zapadnom Teksasu u lipnju 1980. Pripovjedač, lokalni šerif Ed Tom Bell (Jones) govori o mijenjaju vremena budući da regija postaje sve nasilnija. Uskoro susrećemo i Antona Chigurha (Bardem), hladnokrvnog ubojicu naoružanog pištoljem za ubijanje stoke. Chigurh ubije zamjenika šerifa, bježi iz pritvora i ukrade auto korišteći spomenuto oružje kako bi ubio vozača.
U međuvremenu, Llewelyn Moss (Brolin), loveći antilope pokraj Rio Grandea, nailazi na gomilu leševa i jednog Meksikanca na samrti: epilog narko biznisa koji je otišao u krivom smjeru. U blizini pronalazi i dva milijuna dolara u torbi. Uzevši novac i ostavivši Meksikanca da umre, Mossa iste noći počne gristi savjest pa se vraća s vodom za umirućeg čovjeka. Ono što je trebalo biti dobro djelo iznenada se pretavara u igru mačke i miša u kojoj se uloge lovca i lovine često izmjenjuju, dok banda Meksikanaca, Moss, Chigurh i Bell love jedni druge i novac diljem Teksasa i Meksika.
In rural Texas, welder and hunter Llewelyn Moss discovers the remains of several drug runners who have all killed each other in an exchange gone violently wrong. Rather than report the discovery to the police, Moss decides to simply take the two million dollars present for himself. This puts the psychopathic killer, Anton Chigurh, on his trail as he dispassionately murders nearly every rival, bystander and even employer in his pursuit of his quarry and the money. As Moss desperately attempts to keep one step ahead, the blood from this hunt begins to flow behind him with relentlessly growing intensity as Chigurh closes in. Meanwhile, the laconic Sherrif Ed Tom Bell blithely oversees the investigation even as he struggles to face the sheer enormity of the crimes he is attempting to thwart

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