Glavne uloge: Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Fairuza Balk, Jennifer Coolidge, Vondie Curtis Hall, Shawn Hatosy, Denzel Whitaker, Xzibit, Shea Wigham, Katie Chonacas, Brad Dourif
Rezija: Werner Herzog
Scenario: William Finkelstein
Nicolas Cage je postovani detektiv koji je posvecen svom poslu podjednako kao sto je posvecen konzumiranju droge.
On mlatara svojom detektivskom znackom isto kao sto lako upotrebljava svoj sluzbeni pistolj kako bi dosao do onoga sto zeli.
Nakon uragana Katarina zivot Terencea McDonagha (Nic Cage) se u potpunosti menja. On postaje ovisnik koji mahnito sprovodi zakon u rusevinama Novog Orleansa. Njegov poremecen zivot dodatno opterecuje ljubav sa prostitutkom Frankie (Eva Mendes).
Njih dvoje stvaraju sopstveni svet strasti, neostvarenih zelja, kompulsivnog ponasanja i poremecenog stanja svesti.
In Werner Herzog’s new film “The Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans,” Nicolas Cage plays a rogue detective who is as devoted to his job as he is at scoring drugs -- while playing fast and loose with the law. He wields his badge as often as he wields his gun in order to get his way. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina he becomes a high-functioning addict who is a deeply intuitive, fearless detective reigning over the beautiful ruins of New Orleans with authority and abandon. Complicating his tumultuous life is the prostitute he loves (played by Eva Mendes). Together they descend into their own world marked by desire, compulsion, and conscience. The result is a singular masterpiece of filmmaking: equally sad and manically humorous.

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