The Messengers (2007)

Synopsis: Twin filmmakers Danny and Oxide Pang's creepy 2003 feature THE EYE earned them enough kudos to make the leap to Hollywood, and their first effort is the creepy chiller THE MESSENGERS. A Chicago-based family comprised of Roy (Dylan McDermott), his wife, Denise (Penelope Ann Miller), their teenage daughter, Jess (Kristen Stewart), and young son, Ben (played by twins Evan and Theodore Turner) try to put the hard times behind them with a move to a picturesque farmhouse in North Dakota. Jess quickly becomes convinced that the house is haunted after some peculiar occurrences while she's alone there with young Ben. But Ben can't articulate what he's seen, and Jess's story is met with skepticism by her parents. It soon becomes apparent that past family tensions are slowly boiling to the surface. Meanwhile, the ghosts keep coming, and the Pang brothers never keep their audience waiting for long before another nerve-jangling scene shudders into view. But as the ghosts torment their new residents, Jess does a little research on the old farmhouse and discovers a few secrets that may just hold the key to why this is all happening. Packed full of CGI effects and a few moments that may cause a jump or two, THE MESSENGERS is a horror movie aimed at a young audience and not horror aficionados, as indicated by its PG-13 rating.
horor, triler, drama
Godina izdanja:
SAD, Kanada
Columbia Pictures
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Kristen Stewart, Dylan McDermott, Penelope Ann Miller, John Corbett
Oxide Pang, Danny Pang
Mark Wheaton, Stuart Beattie, Todd Farmer
Sam Raimi, William Sherak, Jason Shuman, Robert G. Tapert

Pred nekoliko godina, braća Pang prestravila su nas `Okom`. Hoće li to uspjeti i njihovom američkom prvijencu?
Filmske obitelji misle kako je lijek za sve obiteljske probleme promjena mjesta stanovanja, a tako je i s obitelji Solomon. Svakodnevni život u Chicagu pokazao se stresnim pa čak i opasnim, kada kći Jess (Kirsten Stewart) u pijanom stanju skrivi prometnu nesreću u kojoj umalo strada njezin mlađi brat Ben (blizanci Evan i Theodore Turner), koji je od šoka zanijemio. Ambijent velegrada odlučuju zamijeniti slikovitom farmom suncokreta u Sjevernoj Dakoti, no pravi problemi počinju baš tamo.
Jess i Ben uskoro počinju svjedočiti neobjašnjivim događajima i susreću se s nevjericom svojih roditelja. Jess je davno izgubila njihovo povjerenje, a Ben ne može artikulirati ono što je vidio. Čudna zbivanja postaju još čudnija kada zlokobne vrane počinju okruživati farmu i napadati njezine ukućane, a kuća malo po malo počinje otkrivati dio svoje mračne prošlosti.

Starring: Dylan McDermott, Penelope Ann Miller, John Corbett, Kristen Stewart
Director: Oxide Pang, Danny Pang
Screenwriter: Todd Farmer
Producer: Sam Raimi, William Sherak, Jason Shuman, Rob Tapert
Composer: Joseph LoDuca
Studio: Columbia Pictures



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